Friday, 29 May 2009

Jim Beam Launches Red Stag

Jim Beam has launched Red Stag and is billing it as "a different breed of bourbon". It's infused with black cherry and is going down very well in the blogosphere:

Seen through the glass praises it for being

"impressively authentic" and potentially "wicked tasty". He also recognises its potential as the base of "cocktails and recipes".

Liquor Snob is also a fan, which is to be expected given their longstanding affair with Jim over Jack.

"We think it's safe to say you won't be disappointed, and if you are - send us whatever's left in your bottle... Don't tell the folks at Beam this, but we'd happily pay more than $18 for a bottle of Red Stag."

On Huffington Post they reference some very positive feedback from Chuck Chowdrey, an American whiskey writer:

"I think the quality of the infusion, the depth of the flavors is pretty sophisticated," he said. "It doesn't taste like they threw some flavor house cherry flavor in there."

To support the full launch, Red Stag is being promoted via a collaboration with Kid Rock who has been a lifelong Jim Beam fan. For more information click here.

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