Friday, 5 January 2007

Crowntown and Man Laws: Brands Mastering Virals

Finally…a viral which I actually feel compelled to share.

I came across this post yesterday on the AdRants blog:

“Blurry red squiggles are infected with wit in an episode of Budweiser's weird new Crowntown TV effort. We don't totally get it and even entertain the thought that it might be blinding us slowly, but we can't seem to stop watching.”

I can understand what they mean.

Crowntown TV is the latest online campaign from Budweiser. The videos have already generated hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube.

You might describe Crowntown as a mini-sitcom. Five episodes have been made so far, each following the escapades of characters Dutch, Jennie, Boone, Tee and Larry. Yes, they are blurry red squiggles, but they’re probably the funniest blurry red squiggles on the internet. Budweiser are clearly attempting to attract the upscale, urbanite, evolved male market with this latest campaign, using the Flaming Lips to great effect in the title music.

For a brand to be making such socially-observant, sophisticated comedy packed with truisms is remarkable. In doing this, they appear to have really got to grips with the viral advertising medium. Following their success on the internet, there has even been some talk of the viral videos being translated to television.

Miller Lite’s latest TV campaign, Man Laws, also makes a successful transition to the internet, thousands of viewers re-watching the TV ads on YouTube. The commercials, which have been airing in the US, show the Men of the Square Table, a council composed of important, macho and famous men, including Burt Reynolds and the wrestler Triple H, debating various man issues. These include how long a friend’s ex-girlfriend remains off-limits and whether it’s considered moronic to crush a beer can on your forehead.

What we can infer from the cases of Budweiser and Miller Lite is that brands are increasingly embracing viral as a means of communicating with their consumers. Furthermore, they are swiftly learning how to do this to great effect.

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