Friday, 11 August 2006

Guerrilla work

Agenda Inc. sends out a weekly list of trend setting articles - one of them was about the fact that guerrilla advertising is becoming mainstream. To see some of the best work around at the moment (in the eyes of Business Week) visit this link. This work is fairly basic but shows what can be done with limited budget and a tight brief.

VW Golf with super air conditioning

3M spend 6,000 Canadian Dollars on this project which has had worldwide exposure

Agency Network BBDO surreptitiously placed open cartons of eggs on an airport baggage carousel, partially encased in a wrapper that said "Handled by Virgin Atlantic." Luckily, the eggs didn't break.

Done well guerrilla marketing causes a smile when you see it first hand and is interesting and clever enough to be spread in news articles and through the internet. A neat, inexpensive, local idea can snowball into a powerful worldwide meme which all the right people get exposed to.

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