Monday, 27 April 2009

The Swines'

Sounds like a tipple strait out of Heston Blumenthal's drinks cupboard or the mind of Lewis Caroll, but bacon flavoured vodka (Bakon Vodka) is here, whether it stays is for time to tell.

Here at Beam Team we are intruiged as we have yet to try out this out. I suggest tomorrow morning with our eggs.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Rory Finlay: Building Brands People Want to Talk About

Rory Finlay, Beam Global's CMO, was part of an Economist Marketing Forum discussing word of mouth and new models of marketing. To find out more watch the video below:

It's great to see our vision of Building Brands People Want to Talk About being talked about. It's like meta talkability.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Lighten Up

One puports to do something for you, while the other does something for the enviroment, both want you to be necking their products.

PSFK have drawn our attention to Pepsi developing what they call an 'eco-friendly' vending machine, that emmits 12% less greenhouse gases, through use of carbon dioxide, instead of HFC's for cooling. Without wanting to criticise any movement in the green direction, I think 'eco less-bad' is more accurate, but realise it does not have quite the same ring to it.

Vitamin water have created a pop-up shop in SoHo, NYC, a part of a push for their new V10 (10 calorie flavoured water).

They have some quirky ideas within their temporary installation, all revolving around the 10 theme, such as this photo booth.

However, as for the product, one blogger on commented that 'Vitamin Water is awesome, but that new 10 calorie stuff is CRAP! I accidentally picked one up at the bodega the other day. So gross…'

Could it be that the the flavour in the original comes in calorie form, surely not?

Friday, 3 April 2009

Party Trick

Always on the lookout for for drinks paraphernalia here at Beam Team, the Absolut Mini Bar has caught our eye.

Vodka & Co have drawn our attention to the fridge that neatly opens into two compartments for ice and fruit.

The cocktail revolution has a new weapon.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Social Media Tastings on PSFK

My latest article for PSFK. This time about the way that the power of social media is being harnessed for wine and spirits tastings.

"Online tastings are hardly new. Brands such as Laphroaig have done worldwide whisky tastings over the Internet. But with the advent of Twitter we are seeing them evolve and become more popular as people find new ways to engage and educate.

Recently in London, Robert McIntosh and Bibendum wines invited a group of around a dozen food and wine bloggers to a Twitter wine tasting at the Saatchi Gallery. For an hour we tasted 3 wines which had also been sent to a bevy of wine and social media enthusiasts who couldn’t make it in person."

For the rest of the article click here.

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