Monday, 26 November 2007

Jones Soda Personalisation

From Tom Fishbourne's blog

"Over Thanksgiving 2003, Jones Soda boldly went where no holiday pack had gone before, with a limited edition Turkey & Gravy soda. Delicious. They produced just 6,000 bottles, only offered it online, and sold out in a couple hours. A few days later, bidding on eBay was up to $63 for a two bottle set. Along the way, they scored a slew of free publicity. Not bad for the cost of 6,000 bottle-run.

They've followed that up every year since, and just announced two Christmukkah packs. Their Chanukah pack features Chocolate Coins, Applesauce, Latke, and Jelly Doughnut sodas. Their Christmas pack features Christmas Ham, Christmas Tree, Egg Nog, and Sugar Plum sodas.

The next time someone tells you your idea is "polarizing", just point them to Jones. To compete in the cola wars, they have to be polarizing. Yes, that means some hate it. But, it also means that some love it rampantly (just look at all of the Jones stuff on eBay). What they can't be is ordinary.

I love seeing ways that Davids successfully compete against Goliaths. Another cool thing Jones does is make all of their labels from random pictures that fans have sent in. They've had 748,578 photos posted by consumers so far, most available on their gallery. And you can bet that when your picture is chosen, you tell everybody you know. Really smart."

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