Monday, 26 March 2007

Nissan - no need for keys

From Life Moves Pretty Fast:

"If found, please do not return. My Next Generation Nissan Altima has Intelligent Key with Push Button Ignition and I no longer need these."

"Of course Nissan Altima owners don't care if they lose their car keys, the new Nissan Altima has the technology to allow owners to start up their car by pressing a button rather than using a key.

The other Gas Tag on the key fob offers finders a chance to enter into a sweepstake by texting into a shortcode or going online.

It's a simple and imaginative idea, but I'm not sure how much impact only 20,000 keys will really have. If I were the Altima Brand Manager I think that I might have put a bit more faith into a smart idea and launched with more than 20,000."

Great example of a brand using alternative media as an effective way of bringing their innovative product development to life. New news.

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